
I post almost daily on ethnojunkie – some are long form stories and some are brief posts; as a subscriber you’ll receive a very short email when a new post goes up. Since it’s not my desire to clog your inbox, I never send the whole post, just a description of it with a link you can click to read more.

In addition, I’ll always let you know if a scheduled ethnojunket has any available slots in case you’d like to join in the fun. And remember, you can always book an ethnojunket at your convenience without having to wait for an opening on a scheduled food tour. After your subscription is complete, click ethnojunkets from any page to learn more!

When you click Subscribe below, you’ll receive a confirmation email in a matter of minutes that requires a response in order to complete your subscription. It’s possible that it will end up in your junk email box (that’s just the way things work here on the interwebs) so please check there in case you haven’t received it!

Problems subscribing? Write to me directly at rich[at]ethnojunkie[dot]com.

(You can also unsubscribe, but we’ll be sorry to see you go!)



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